Lubbock Christian University’s founding president, F.W. “Billy” Mattox, wrote a wonderful book about his life entitled, The Future is Better Than the Past: Affirmation of Providence. I am taken by that subtitle — Affirmation of Providence. When you read about the life of Dr. Mattox, you cannot help but sense the thread of God’s constant provision that runs through his story. That same providential theme is woven throughout the amazing history of Lubbock Christian University.
Since the establishment of LCU in 1957, God’s extraordinary and steady involvement in our story is readily apparent. A few weeks ago, we welcomed our 66th crop of freshmen students to a university that started in a cotton field; we give thanks once again for the fresh ways He continues to make his presence known.
In this edition of Reflections, you will read about our new Provost and Chief Academic Officer, Dr. Kent Gallaher. Dr. G, as he is known to his students and friends, has a remarkable story of his own about how God pursued him as a young man, and how he feels called to finish his career here, making a Kingdom impact in this place.
You will also hear about some of our amazing faculty, alumni, and students who are following God’s call right now to make a difference in this world. Whether it’s the story of recent graduate, Emma VerHage, who is living her best life as a staffer in a congressional office in Washington, D.C.; or Dr. Ward Lane, an alumnus, board member, and genuine renaissance man who moved from a successful career as a thoracic surgeon into cattle ranching and writing children’s literature; or Dr. Jesse Long, our own version of Indiana Jones, who is an accomplished archaeologist, Biblical scholar, and expert in the Land of the Holy One—you will sense the thread of God’s presence and provision in their lives.
These people embody our mission—Lubbock Christian University helps students discover who they were created to be and to embrace their place in God’s story by transforming their hearts, minds, and hands for lives of purpose and service. God has done this work through the people in this place for 65 years, and we are thrilled and thankful to entrust our mission to Him as we launch on year 66.
Scott McDowell, Ed. D.
President, Lubbock Christian University