One of the rich treasures of university life is certain rhythms that develop over time. Whether it’s freshmen rush, mid-terms, or finals, there are specific seasons and patterns that trigger events and traditions that are part of the fabric of the college experience. For example, ask any college professor or staff member and they’ll confirm (without even a lecture or rudimentary understanding of the space-time continuum) that college life speeds up each semester after Thanksgiving or Spring Break. If you walk into the campus Starbucks during that timeframe, you will witness a corresponding uptick in caffeine consumption. 

At Lubbock Christian University, we have our own series of honored traditions. Whether its the Glowstick Devo, Rally at The Rip, the Writing Carnival, Master Follies, Homecoming, Big Blue Christmas, TWIRP Week, or simply daily chapel in McDonald Moody Auditorium, there are a variety of special moments that all center around one thing—genuine, heartfelt community. Ultimately, these traditions drive our mission as a Christ-centered, academic community of learners that transforms the hearts, minds, and hands of students for lives of purpose and service.

A specific LCU tradition that I have come to love is the Student Appreciation Banquet each spring. At the banquet, our faculty and staff gather to celebrate our students and honor them with a variety of awards. We recognize their scholarship and character with everything from the highest GPA in a particular department to the designation of Mr. and Ms. LCU—the two students commended as the embodiment of our community ideals. The common theme is the depth of relationships between our faculty and students that becomes so readily apparent in the remarks made as the awards are presented. One cannot help but be inspired by witnessing the depth of connection and mutual influence that our faculty and staff share with our students.  

Of special note at the banquet this year were quotes from two of our Mr. and Ms. LCU nominees that highlighted the vibrancy of our mission and resonated with me on a deep level. In answer to the question, “How has LCU changed you?”, Daniel Kay said, “I’ve come out of my shell a lot. I have gone into things I didn’t expect, … gotten into leadership positions that I didn’t see myself going for when I got here, … doing different experiences like studying abroad, things that I never expected to do before.”  To the same question, Kate McCrady responded, “I have become someone I didn’t even know I was capable of being. I have found my identity in Christ.”  

Traditions are a part of the college experience. As you read through this inaugural online edition of Reflections, I hope you will recognize how the tradition of Christ-centered student transformation is alive and well at Lubbock Christian University. 


Scott McDowell, Ed. D. 

President, Lubbock Christian University