Lubbock Christian University welcomes new full-time faculty members starting in the 2023-24 academic year. These accomplished individuals bring a wealth of expertise and diverse perspectives to our academic community, enriching the experience for both students and colleagues. With their passion for Christian higher education and commitment to excellence, they are poised to make a significant impact on the LCU community.

Connor Bryant, M.Ed. (’16, ’18)
School of Education
Assistant Professor, Secondary Education
PhD in progress
Mr. Bryant obtained an undergraduate degree in Middle School Mathematics Education from LCU in 2016 and a master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction from LCU in 2018. He is currently pursuing a doctoral degree in Curriculum and Instruction from Texas Tech University and will defend his dissertation in the Fall of 2023. Before becoming an Assistant Professor at LCU, Connor taught middle school math in Frenship ISD and was an Instructional Designer for the eLearning Department at Texas Tech University. During his time in the TTU eLearning Department, he taught undergraduate adjunct courses in the LCU School of Education.
Dawn Cox, M.Ed.
School of Education
Assistant Professor, Elementary Education
Mrs. Cox obtained an undergraduate degree in Human Development and Family Studies with an Emphasis in Early Childhood from Texas Tech University in 1993, and a master’s degree in Educational Leadership from Lamar University in 2018. Before becoming an Assistant Professor at LCU, Dawn served as the Elementary Math Coordinator for Lubbock-Cooper ISD for 6 years and taught at the elementary level in LISD and LCISD. During her time as Elementary Math Coordinator, she taught undergraduate courses in the LCU School of Education.

Amy Miles, M.A.
Department of Humanities
Assistant Professor, English
In 1998, Mrs. Miles received her undergraduate degree in English from Howard Payne University in Brownwood, TX. In 2003, she earned her M.A. in English from Hardin-Simmons University. Mrs. Miles has taught in higher education at various institutions for the past twenty years. Her career includes stints at Rogers State University, Southeast Missouri State, Howard Junior College, and Hardin-Simmons. For the last ten years, she has served as an Assistant Professor of English at Wayland Baptist University in Plainview, TX.
Dr. Brandon Rix, DPT (‘17)
Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences
Assistant Professor
Fall 2023 is Dr. Rix's first semester on LCU’s campus a faculty member. After a three-year stint playing baseball at Seward County Community College in Liberal, KS, he graduated from LCU in 2017 with a BA in Exercise and Sports Sciences with an emphasis in pre-physical therapy. During his time at LCU, he was also a member of the 2016 and 2017 baseball teams. In 2021 he graduated with a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) from Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center and practiced outpatient orthopedic physical therapy at UMC Team Rehab Center until Fall of 2023. He is currently making the move to McCombs and Associates Physical Therapy where he will also be practicing outpatient orthopedics. Brandon has been married to his wife Natalie since 2020, and they have one beaming little girl named Ellie.

Dr. Lisa Tatum, DMA
Department of Communication and Fine Arts
Assistant Professor of Music and Director of Bands
Dr. Lisa Tatum enjoys a career of making music in diverse settings. Whether on a football field, concert hall, or theater, she believes that all music has the power to inspire and bring people together. She completed a Doctor of Musical Arts in Wind Conducting at Texas Tech University in May 2023. In 2020 she completed a Master of Music in Wind Conducting at Louisiana State University. She also holds a Master of Music in Trombone Performance from the University of Utah and a Bachelor of Science in Music Education from the University of Alabama. Before joining the faculty at LCU in 2022, Dr. Tatum taught middle school and high school band in Houston, TX. She is an active clinician and adjudicator for high school bands across the country and hosts the podcast Ic2us: The Evolving Conductor.